8 Conversion-Boosting Ways to Personalize Your Content

8 Conversion-Boosting Ways to Personalize Your Content

by Demian Farnworth

Quick quiz: What would you be willing to give up to receive information that interests you?

Chocolate for a month? Your smartphone for a day? Sex?

Sounds crazy, but according to a July 2013 study by Janrain, 25 percent of adults would be willing to give up chocolate for a month to receive content tailored to their tastes.

Twenty-one percent said they would give up their smartphones for a day. And yes, there were people who said they would give up sex to receive information that interests them. Thirteen percent, in fact.

And not just for a day. Nor a week. No. They would give up sex for an entire month.

A month.

Think what that says about the pleasure people get out of personalized information — content that adapts to the right person at the right time.

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