[Weekly] Ethical Marketing in an Age of Creeps

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Copyblogger Weekly: Your portable guide to building online authority with content marketing
Copyblogger Weekly: Words that work for digital marketing sales


Sonia Simone

Ethical Marketing in an Age of Creeps


The phrase “ethical marketing” has always struck some folks as an oxymoron. Isn't “marketing” just another word for lying, deceiving, and manipulating someone into buying a product or service?

Yeah, no.

There have always been plenty of good folks in the selling and marketing game. They just tend to be a little less noticeable than ones who rely on high pressure, tricks, or downright deception.

On Monday this week, Stefanie Flaxman shared five real-world examples of marketing that's helpful and useful, not sleazy.

On Tuesday, Stefanie helped uncover your version of “autosave” -- the genuinely beneficial difference in your business that makes life a ton better for your clients or customers. If you don't know what that is yet, it’s a great time to start figuring that out.

And on Wednesday, Brian Clark revealed that we’re on the cusp of a big shift in digital marketing and sales -- one that will quickly become the expected norm for all websites. Web personalization will provide a huge competitive advantage to early adopters, so make sure you learn how to jump on it during Brian’s webinar next week with RightMessage: How to Double Your List Size (and Sales) by Personalizing Your Landing Pages.

You can sign up for that workshop here:


Over on Copyblogger FM, I talked with sales expert Tim Paige about why selling can be such a mental hurdle for people -- and some real-world ways we can sell more ethically, and more comfortably.

And on The Digital Entrepreneur, Sean Jackson and Katy Katz talked with Joe Youngblood about one of our favorite ways to get out of a creative rut: thoughtful repurposing.

Rescheduling note: Our ethical selling workshop with Tim Paige has been rescheduled for Tuesday, June 12. This workshop will be insanely useful if you want to strengthen your “selling muscles” -- without feeling like a creep.

If you haven’t signed up for the workshop yet (it's free), grab your spot here: https://register.gotowebinar.com/register/6016807293731006977

- Sonia Simone
Chief Content Officer, Rainmaker Digital

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